Speaker, Author, Former Judge, Lawyer
Leading a Reading Revolution to Unlock the Potential in Every Child Through Literacy
A daunting epidemic looms over our nation - the crisis of American Illiteracy. Studies show that 68% of 4th graders do not read to grade level!
Without literacy, the next generation stands no chance to compete and thrive in an increasingly complex world.
With vision and action, Judge Coffelt seeks to craft a new story - one where children unlock the magic of words and chart the course of their own making.
Judge Coffelt is passionate about assisting parents and other educators to learn about the importance of literacy. She provides education and support so that parents are empowered to guide their children towards a love of reading.
Literacy is more than a skill: it is a mindset and lifestyle that leads to success.
Judge Coffelt’s vision is to unlock the potential in every child through literacy and start a reading revolution!

About Judge Soraya Coffelt
Judge Soraya Coffelt is an Ivy League educated lawyer, former judge, business owner, children’s author, wife and mother of two sons. Based on her personal life experiences as well as professional career, she firmly believes that reading is one of the most important foundations for a child’s ultimate success in life.
Soraya wants to impact and equip children everywhere to succeed through literacy!
Work with Soraya Through Workshops and Speaking Events
Literacy is the key to unlocking your children’s potential. Soraya wants to ignite a reading revolution that starts with parents.
Providing processes and products to help children become better readers
Discover Soraya’s collection of children’s books, coloring books, and teaching kits. Video courses are soon to be available as well.
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“Sharing your own life story can profoundly impact others and bring hope and inspiration where despair and suffering exist." - Soraya
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