Ep. #22 – Acclaimed U. S. Virgin Islands Actress and Film Writer Angela Golden Bryan Shares Her Story of Hope as a Parent of a Child Who Was Bullied
Education officials have called “bullying” an epidemic. It affects children of all ages and economic statuses. Victims of bullying often suffer in secret. Angela shares her personal story as a parent of a child who was bullied and gives advice as to what parents should do to help their children during those difficult times. She wrote a children's book, James and the Fireburn, to help children learn more about bullying. She also describes the production of the documentary she wrote, Fireburn the Documentary, which is about a period in U. S. Virgin Islands history involving a revolt led by women because of inhumane treatment. It has won many awards and accolades.
Website: angelagoldenbryan.com; fireburndocumentary.com
Instagram: @angelagoldenbryan
Facebook: AngelaGoldenBryanActress