Ep. #86 - Attorney and Author Cara Tuttle Bell Inspires Women to Become Better Advocates for Themselves in All Their Relationships

Cara Tuttle Bell is an author, lawyer, speaker, and activist-educator who has significant professional experience on important women’s issues, such as assertiveness as well as sexual harassment and assault.  She shares her years of growing up in a home where domestic violence took place and understands the dynamics of aggressiveness and power in relationships.  Through her book Drowning in Timidity: Women, Politeness and the Power of Assertive Living, she provides tools that help women become assertive and communicate more clearly, in all their relationships, so that they can achieve their goals.  She truly inspires women to become better advocates for themselves, no matter what type of relationship they are in, whether personal or professional.

Website: https://caratuttlebell.com; www.drowningintimidity.com

Social media:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/102113045263870

Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/drowningintimidity

LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/caratuttlebell

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/caratuttlebell


Ep. #87 - Speaking Coach Brenden Kumarasamy Shares His Passion for Helping You to Become a Better Communicator


Ep. #85 - Author, Father and Husband Tim Dunn Shares His Struggles to be Better in Every Aspect of His Life and His Dedication to Helping Other Men Improve as Well, Especially as Dads