Ep. #207 - Mindset Coach and Clinical Hypnotherapist Craig Meriwether Shares How Hypnotherapy Can Be a Very Successful Technique for Breakthroughs

My guest Craig Meriwether is a mindset coach and clinical hypnotherapist helping people eliminate negative emotions and trauma so they can reach their full potential. He is a graduate of the renowned training institute Hypnotherapy Academy of America where he successfully completed 500 hours of classroom-style Clinical Hypnotherapy Training receiving his Certification as a Medical Hypnosis Specialist.  He has also completed over 200 hours of continuing education training.  Craig debunks many of the beliefs we have about hypnosis and describes how he uses the technique very successfully to enable a person to heal from hurt and pain.  He works with many ailments such as anxiety, fear & worry, self-sabotage and a lack of confidence.

Website:  https://arizonaintegrativehypnotherapy.com/

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/AceAnyTest

Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/ace_any_test/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/craig-meriwether-44286718b/

Free gift: https://aceanytest.com/boost-your-confidence/


Ep. #208 - Small Business and Financial Professional Brandon Neely Helps Individuals and Businesses Develop Successful Financial Strategies


Ep. #206 - Burnout Recovery Expert and Author Carrie Severson Shares Her Personal Challenges and Successes