Ep. #69 - Author Emily Johnson Shares Her Inspiring Story of a Mother’s and Daughter's Love and Her Struggles During Her Mother’s 17-Year Battle with Cancer

You will be so inspired by Emily Johnson’s story of the profound love that a mother and daughter share!  She shares how her mother found the strength and motivation to live after being diagnosed with cancer when Emily was just a young teenager and her courageous 17-year battle with various forms of that disease.  Emily also shares her own personal struggles in coping with her mother’s diagnosis and years of hospitalization and treatment.  Emily finished writing the book that her mother started writing before her death, which was the last request that her mother made.  It is titled Bird of Paradise after her mother’s favorite flower.

Website: https://emilyjohnsonwrites.net

Book: Bird of Paradise


Ep. #70 - Author Phil Barth Encourages You to Celebrate All the Great Things That Happen Every Day – From Small to Large – and Add Humor


Ep. #68 - Charismatic Executive Oyauma Garrison Inspires You with His Story About How His Child’s Illness Motivated Him to Change Careers and Lead the Nonprofit A KID AGAIN