Ep. #100 - Master Christian Life Coaches Jake and Whitney Roehl Inspire You to Develop a Lifestyle Steadfastly Committed to Improvement
Did you know that being steadfast in your decisions and achieving your goals requires a lifestyle committed to improvement? My guests Jake and Whitney Roehl are master Christian life coaches who provide elite mindset coaching based on Christian values. They share their personal stories that are filled with challenges from alcoholism to instability to financial lack to children and blended families. They will inspire you with their own steadfast success, both personally and professionally. Their business Steadfast Life Coaching is built on using Christian values and principles to help you break through to new and better levels and they have many wonderful testimonials on their website steadfastlifecoaching.com. One of their mottos is “Learn to unlock the gold in you.”
Website: https://www.steadfastlifecoaching.com
Social Media:
Instagram: @Steadfastlifecoaching
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SteadfastLifeCoaching
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jake-roehl-steadfast-life/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvi_va4n9LHidp9yRLjIQAg