Ep. #48 - Certified Leadership Coach Jerry Fu Encourages You to be Free from the Fear of Conflict and Work Courageously Toward Conflict Resolution

Certified leadership coach Jerry Fu specializes in conflict resolution and shares how you can be free from the fear of conflict. He encourages you that “hard conversations don’t have to be hard” and gives you suggestions on how to navigate difficult personal and professional relationships.  Instead of putting off important conversations, being resentful, or rationalizing our frustrations, Jerry motivates you to prepare, engage and follow through.  You will gain confidence and freedom when you do!

Website: www.adaptingleaders.com


Ep. #49 - Grief Specialist and Author Peggy Green Shares How You Can Move Through Grief and Find Joy After the Death of a Child


Ep. #47 - Extremely Successful Entrepreneurs, the Father and Son Team of Mark & John Cronin Will Inspire You with Their Stories About Succeeding Despite Life’s Difficult Challenges