Ep. #146 - Human Resources Expert Kimberly Williams Seeks to Empower You to Advocate for Yourself in the Workplace

Are you personally or do you know of someone who is facing challenges in the workplace? Even if you’re not going through issues at work or know of someone who is, this is an important podcast to listen to. And, it is equally important for employees and employers to listen to. My guest Kimberly Williams is a human resources expert who assists people to access free legal services when dealing with issues in the workplace. Her goal is to empower you to advocate for yourself and tame those fears associated with filing a complaint. Kim personally knows how it feels to be a victim of workplace abuse as she lived through it and had to advocate for herself in a toxic work environment.  She refers to herself as being the vice president of people and that is a very accurate description.  Please join us to learn more as you don’t have to face these workplace challenges alone!

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimberly-e-williams/

Contact Center Info: Spanish: http://www.losdefensores.com/linkedin/

or call 833-815-6453

English: http://www.1800thelaw2.com/linkedin/

or call 833-815-6816


Ep. #147 - Happiness Coach and Author Jen Hardy Wants to Help You to be Fabulous Over the Age of 50


Ep. #145 - Physical Therapist Gregory Stern Shares His Inspirational Journey from Chronic Body Pain to Pain-Free Movement