Ep. #13 Prolific Caribbean Artist Mark Isaacs Shares His Optimistic Attitude in Facing Life’s Challenges, Including Hearing Loss as a Child

Dealing with a hearing loss at any age can be very painful, but especially so in the life of a child. Prolific Caribbean artist Mark Isaacs shares his story about how he chose to face that challenge and others with a positive attitude, intentionally not viewing challenges as obstacles but rather as exciting new ways to learn.  In fact, he learned to hear again through patience and using modern technology.  Raised in a family of artists who frequented art galleries, he developed an appreciation for and a love of art.  His beautiful artwork of the US Virgin Islands and other places reflects his optimistic outlook toward life.  He finds awe and inspiration in seemingly average scenes.  As he exuberantly says, “God is in the details!”  

Email: markisaacs2000@gmail.com

Facebook: Mark Isaacs


Ep. #14 Mother, Wife and Website Creator Nicole Gneiting Shares Her Inspiring Story of Surviving Head and Neck Cancer, Her Son’s Near-Death Experience, Anxiety and Potty Training


Ep. #12 Successful Lawyer Dorothy Isaacs Shares Her Stories of Persevering, Personally & for Clients, When the Odds Were Stacked Against Her