Ep. #121 - Monika Zasada Passionately Advocates for Homeowners Through All Construction Phases

My guest Monika Zasada specializes in helping homeowners with their home construction.  She says she is likened to a conductor, strategist, advocate, therapist, expeditor, and facilitator.  She has even been called “the glue”, “the optimizer” and “the castle builder”. She uses her extensive gifts, talents, knowledge, and determination to ensure that your home construction goes well.  We learn where that determination comes from as she shares with us about growing up in Poland and traveling to the United States with an American $10 bill that her mother gave her and a ticket she had purchased with money earned from translating a book.  For over 20 years, Monika has been an advocate for homeowners as she navigates with them through construction phases. Her website de-mazing.com is filled with a lot of very helpful information to ensure that your home project is successful.  

Website: www.de-mazing.com

Social Media: 

Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/de_mazing_

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/monikazconstructionexpert 


Ep. #122 - Author, Leadership Coach and Consultant Osnat Benari Helps You to Find Opportunities When Changes Take Place


Ep. #120 - Author, Former Addict, and Family Addictions Counselor Candace Plattor Shares Her Inspirational Story of Overcoming Addiction and Helping Others