Ep. #173 - Accomplished Entrepreneur Zachary Parker Harris Shares the Importance of Wholistic Success for Entrepreneurs

My guest Zachary Parker Harris is a very successful businessman who is making a tremendous impact on entrepreneurs through his organization Junto Global.  At a young age, Zachary was in to partying, taking drugs, and excessive drinking.   When he was 20 years old, he almost died in a car accident.  He then made the pivotal choice to leave toxic friendships behind. After landing a dream job at a Fortune 100 tech company, he sought out mentors because he knew how important personal development was and wanted to surround himself with people who were achievers.  He eventually established a mastermind group named Junto Global, connecting thousands of entrepreneurs with like-minded peers to help build their businesses and relationships and improve their health – seeking wholistic success.  Zachary stresses the importance of continually learning and growing along with the 3 Cs - Community, Clarity, and Collaboration - among the participants.

Website:  https://junto.global/

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/zacharyparkerharris

Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/zacharyparkerharris/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/parkerharris/


Ep. #174 - Certified Coach Hannah Lynn Helps Women Prevent or Overcome Burnout


Ep. #172 - Certified Personal Trainer and Wellness Coach and Best-selling Author Tracy Herbert Shares Her Passion to Help Others Live Longer, Healthier and Happier Lives