Ep. #126 - Author James Belt Shares Practical Solutions that Bring Hope to Those in Need Both Locally and Internationally

Since my podcast is about hope, it was wonderful to have my guest James Belt share about his book titled Hope Realized-How the Power of Practical and Spiritual Development Can Diminish Poverty and Expose the Lie of Hopelessness. James is an author and a family man and businessman who is passionate about giving hope to others, not only in a physical or practical way, but also importantly spiritually. He was raised in a Christian home and went to college, majoring in finance, eventually joining his father in the family business. But what happened to James that impacted him so much? He reluctantly joined his family on a missionary trip to Nicaragua where he witnessed people living in significant poverty and a life of hopelessness.  He felt God’s leading to return there to help the people and he did.  He shares his journeys and discoveries – what he learned about himself and from the people there. He gives us a new perspective on why economic inequality exists so that we can all help to end it.  He also provides practical community outreach ideas right here in our own communities, not just for those who want to serve on a missionary team in a foreign country. The important question is – are we fulfilling our God-given potentials and are we helping others as well?

Book:  Hope Realized-How the Power of Practical and Spiritual Development Can Diminish Poverty and Expose the Lie of Hopelessness

Website: jameshbelt.com

Social Media: 

Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/james.b.3/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/james.belt

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-belt-iii/


Ep. #127 - Best-Selling Author, Entrepreneur and Creative Thinker Dan Miller Inspires You to Change Your Mindset and Grow Exponentially


Ep. #125 - Retired Police Officer Now Author and Speaker Glen Williams Provides Important Tools to Help You Recover from Trauma