Ep. #112 - Confidence Guru, Author and Mentor Janelle Anderson Wants to Help You Become the Star of Your Own Story

Do you feel as if you need a boost in confidence but don’t know what to do?  My guest Janelle Anderson is a confidence coach or confidence guru primarily for women, as well as a speaking and storytelling mentor and an author.  She knows what it is to live with what she calls “a cloak of shame” and not feeling worthy.  She tells her story of being a victim of date rape and then being sex trafficked when she was young.  How did she turn her life around? She left that life when she was 26 years-old but it was not until later in life that she truly realized her calling to help others and established her own company Emerging Life Coaching.  Her newest book is titled Take Center Stage: Be the Star of Your Own Story and she seeks to help you to know your own true value and worth and become fearlessly confident.  She has a free offer to my listeners below.

Book: Take Center Stage: Be the Star of Your Own Story

Website: https://www.emerginglifecoaching.com

Social media:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/janelle.anderson3/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/emerginglifecoaching/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/emerginglifecoaching/

Free Offer:  Title: 5 Keys to Transform Self-Doubt into Fearless Confidence

Link: https://bit.ly/5keystofearlessconfidence


Ep. #113 - Charity:Water‘s Creative Director Tyler Riewer Shares Stories About the Impact the Nonprofit Has Had on Millions of People by Providing Clean Water


Ep. #111 - Attorney Laurie J. Besden Shares Her Inspiring Journey from Addiction to Recovery and Then Helping Others in the Legal Field to Recovery Too