Ep. #137 - Certified Health Coach, Personal Trainer, and Author Rachel Lavin is Passionate About Helping Women to Love Themselves No Matter What Size They Are

Rachel Lavin is the author of her memoir titled The Doughnut Diaries- A Personal Trainer’s Tale of Being Every Size from 12 Through 0.   She is a certified personal trainer with over 20 years of experience in the fitness industry as well as a certified health coach.  She likes to refer to herself as “a body love educator”.  Why should you love your body?  Many of those who experience weight gain often struggle with negative self-thinking and self-sabotage and do not love their bodies.  Rachel is on a mission to help you take back your power and heal through the three pillars of fitness: nourishment for the mind and body, movement, and rest. She wants to create a safe space where women feel whole and comfortable in who they are and what their bodies look like.  Listen as Rachel shares her personal struggles and accomplishments, and gives you hope that you too can love your body, no matter what condition it is in.

Book: The Doughnut Diaries- A Personal Trainer’s Tale of Being Every Size from 12 Through 0

Website: https://rachellavinwellness.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rachel.lavin 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rachellavinwellness

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rachel-lavin-wellness-33707b17/


Ep.#138 - Addiction Wellness Coach Kattie Lail Shares Her inspiring Journey from Drug Addiction to Rehabilitation and Now Coaching Others


Ep. #136 - Best- Selling Author Nicky Billou Shares His Inspirational Journey from Being an Immigrant Who Spoke No English to Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur Through Having a Heart for Service