Ep. #169 - Author and Visualization Coach Steve Gamlin Wants to Help You Achieve Your Goals

Steve Gamlin is known as “The Motivational Firewood Guy”.  He is the creator of the Vision Board Mastery program as well as an author, coach, and keynote speaker.  By the age of 35, Steve had to change careers, went through a divorce, and suffered from financial loss. He was successfully able to turn his life around!  Steve is passionate about teaching the importance of SEEing your desired outcomes, understanding the WHY, and then building action plans to achieve them.  His visualization coaching, using his Vision Board Mastery program, is key to helping you set goals, build habits, and maintain momentum toward your success. By the way, did you wonder where he got the nickname “The Motivational Firewood Guy”?  Listen and you will find out!

Book:  OH YEAH (Another Quote Book)!- 55 Powerful Steps to a More Successful Life from a Regular Guy Named Steve- and a Dog Named Super Teddy

20 to Life (In a Good Way)- 20 Simple Actions to Break Away from the Negativity Around You 

Bust Out of Your Crate (Super Teddy’s Top 20 Tips for People to be as Happy as Dogs)! (to be re-released)

Website: https://stevegamlin.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SteveGamlin

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stevegamlin/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stevegamlin/


Ep. #170 - Best-Selling Author and Fitness Coach Joe Martin Wants You to Be Awesome and Relentless in Your Positivity


Ep. #168 - Author and Coach Rick Ornelas is on a Journey to Spread Positivity, Hope, and Love